Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Stage door works at Prince Edward Theatre
The Trust supported replacement doors, new glazing and theatre signage at the stage door area of Prince Edward Theatre in London's West End.
Raising of box guardrails at Leeds Grand
The Trust supported the granting of listed building consent for the raising of guardrails to meet current regulations but urged reconsideration for a more sensitive material to the building's historic significance.
Side extension for office at Soham's Viva Theatre
The Trust supported proposals for a small side extension at Soham's Viva Theatre which opened in late 2021 for office and meeting space along with siting of a bow carriage within its car park.
Retrospective consent for replacement brackets at the Coliseum
The Trust supported retrospective listed building consent for replacement brackets within the auditorium to provide greater loading for modern sound and lighting equipment.
Support for Adam Smith plans following amendments
The Trust has altered its advice and provided support for planning permission and listed building consent at the Adam Smith Theatre in Kirkcaldy following deletion of insensitive works to windows to which we had previously objected.
Trust objects to Brighton Hippodrome plans
The Trust has objected to planning and permission and listed building consent at Brighton Hippodrome, one of our Theatres at Risk, because we believe current plans are unviable and will prevent future reversibility.
New signage and poster boards at Woolwich's Tramshed Theatre
The Trust supported advertisement consent for high-level lettering and a poster board either side of the main entrance at Tramshed Theatre.
Return to theatre use for Torquay's Central Cinema
The Trust supported a proposal for change of use and some alterations of the Central Cinema, formerly the Royal Theatre and Opera House, having been taken on by the Unleashed Theatre Company after the cinema operator moved to a new site.
Alterations and refurbishments at the West End's Ambassadors Theatre
Proposals for significant alterations were supported because it will make the venue accessible (currently wheelchair access isn't possible) and provide much-needed front of house improvements.
Repair works at Portsmouth's Groundlings Theatre
The Trust supported an application for listed building consent for much-needed repairs, like-for-like replacements and refurbishments focussing on the theatre's roof and windows. The building is on the Trust's and Historic England's risk registers.
Fire detection system for the Coliseum in London's West End
The Trust supported listed building consent for installation of a fire detection system within the auditorium.
Major development in proximity to the Old Vic
The Trust raised no objection to a proposal for redevelopment of a site close to the Old Vic as it was considered that it would not harm setting and that existing tall buildings meant important views to the theatre would not be undermined.