Planning Responses

We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.

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  • Temporary artwork at Theatre Royal Wakefield

    The Trust supported temporary permission for the installation of artworks as part of a Historic High Streets project in Wakefield.

  • Temporary portacabin & WCs outside Morecambe Winter Gardens

    The Trust supported the installation of a larger portable WC block and relocated portacabin for a temporary period of around three years to provide sufficient WCs for the venue's capacity pending further internal refurbishments.

  • Revisions to Joseph Rowntree works

    The Trust supported minor revisions to roof works at Joseph Rowntree theatre in York.

  • Temporary external staircase at Edinburgh Playhouse

    The Trust has supported temporary permission for the installation of a staircase during a forthcoming run of Lion King.

  • Amended plans for development adjacent to Lighthouse Poole

    The Trust supports revisions to plans for a mixed use development adjacent to the theatre. There are now no homes which directly overlook the Lighthouse’s servicing bay and there is much greater separation between residential units and the Lighthouse.

  • Bury Met to install disabled lift in auditorium

    The Trust is supportive of this application, which would improve disabled accessibility within the main auditorium through the installation of a lift to the raised platform.

  • Live performance use proposed for Chichester Feather & Black

    Theatres Trust does not object in principle to the location of the site for live shows and music covering all aspects of performance and celebrity acts, but greater consideration needs to be given to how the building will function.

  • Demolition proposal for former Theatre Royal in Deal

    Although the Trust did not object to the demolition of the former Royal, which was also a cinema and then split into a snooker hall and amusement arcade, we urged options for retention to be explored and evidence its social function is no longer required.

  • Fresh proposal for Bournemouth's former Odeon/Regent Theatre

    Following two previous refused applications for demolition and replacement high-density housing scheme, the Trust again objected to a new partial façade-retaining proposal on the basis of continued lack of evidence cultural use is no longer required.

  • 'Men's Shed' to be constucted to rear of Groundlings Theatre

    The Trust supported a proposal for a 'Men's Shed' to be placed to the rear of Groundlings in Portsmouth. 'Men's Sheds' are a scheme which provides social spaces for mostly men to help reduce isolation through developing skills and meeting new people.

  • Significant new theatre and music venue planned for London Olympia

    The Trust supported and welcomed the proposed theatre and music/performance venue planned as part of a wider redevelopment of London Olympia. they will draw people to the site from a wide area and further improve London’s cultural offer.

  • Theatre proposal for remote church in Scottish Borders

    The Trust supports this proposal which would see the vacant category A listed Polwarth Kirk, described as one of the most significant buildings in Scotland, return to use as a church, music hall and theatre. The facility will bring theatre together.