Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
If you need planning advice we can help.
Replacement entry screen at Sudbury's Quay Theatre
Planning permission and listed building consent for replacement of the theatre's glazed entry along with associated works and new signage was supported.
Change of use of part of Darlington's Majestic Theatre
No objection was raised to the change of use of the ground floor of the Majestic Theatre from a soft play centre to a supermarket, providing it does not impact on access and operations of the theatre above.
Maintenance and repairs at Theatre Royal Haymarket
Planning permission and listed building consent was supported for various external repairs, including the slight raising of a roof level to incorporate thermal insulation.
External repairs at Savoy Theatre
Listed building consent for repairs to windows and masonry was supported.
Auditorium alterations at Gallery Studio Theatre
Listed building consent to replace the seating block at Ipswich's Gallery Studio Theatre was supported, providing improved audience comfort and accessibility along with revealing of historic features.
Further objection to Amulet residential conversion
Following submission of further information by the applicant, we repeated our objection to residential conversion of this Theatre at Risk. Since the original submission there is now a credible operator for the building for theatre and the arts.
Objection to redevelopment of former Saville Theatre
We objected to plans for significant redevelopment of the former Saville Theatre for a hotel with smaller theatre space because we consider a large-scale theatre scheme would be viable and the scheme has not responded to previous reasons for refusal.
New access and canopy to lightwell at Adelphi Theatre
Planning permission and listed building consent was supported for a new opening into a lightwell at the Adelphi Theatre to provide maintenance access, and also to use the space for staff/performer cycle parking.
New and replacement wifi at Fortune Theatre
Listed building consent for the removal and replacement of wifi equipment along with some additional installations was supported.
Objection to removal of Brixham Theatre signage
Plans by the theatre's landlord, Brixham Town Council, to remove the theatre's signage was objected to.
Storage shed at Westacre Theatre
Planning permission for the installation of a shed for the storage of costumes was supported.
PV panels and external storage shed at Helmsley Arts Centre
Planning permission for additional storage and rooftop PV panels was supported.