Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Side extension at Morecambe Winter Gardens
Planning permission and listed building consent for the addition of a side extension providing WCs and lift access to upper levels was welcomed and supported, alongside further internal alterations.
Approval of details at the former Ritz, Nuneaton
No objection was raised to the discharge of two planning conditions following submission of design details, as part of plans to restore the former Ritz back to active use as a community venue.
Replacement telecoms at Yvonne Arnaud Theatre
No objection was raised to planning permission and listed building consent for the removal and replacement of third party telecoms apparatus to the roof of Yvonne Arnaud Theatre.
Dance studios for Blackburn's Empire Theatre
Change of use and minor external alterations were supported for use of a building to the rear of the theatre currently used for storage to be converted to dance studios.
Renewal of temporary permission at Theatre Royal Drury Lane
Temporary permission for the placing of tables and chairs on the highway outside the theatre was again supported with the current permission lapsing in March 2025.
New wifi points at West End's Playhouse Theatre
Listed building consent for new and additional wifi points at the Playhouse, currently under the Kit Kat Club name for the run of 'Cabaret', was supported.
Altered scene dock door at Harold Pinter Theatre
Planning permission and listed building consent was supported for alterations and replacement of the scene dock door, providing better soundproofing and thermal efficiency.
Facade repair at Southsea's King's Theatre
Listed building consent to carry out a structural repair to an area of the theatre's side wall was supported.
Removal of outbuilding and stair alteration at Darwen Library Theatre
Planning permission and listed building consents were supported for the removal of a later outbuilding and altered escape stair to facilitate future plans for greater linkage between the theatre and the town centre.
Replacement and upgrades to wifi at Harold Pinter Theatre
Listed building consent for upgraded wifi infrastructure was supported.
Auditorium refurbishments at Shepherd's Bush Empire
Listed building consent for the refurbishment of the lower balcony level was supported, which will replace and standardise seating and carpets which are currently of contrasting styles and in poor condition, as well as replacement stair nosing.
Replacement and upgraded wifi at Apollo Victoria
Listed building consent for upgraded wifi installations was supported.