Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Additional Balcony bar and WC alterations at Apollo Shaftesbury Avenue
The Trust supported listed building consent for the re-arrangement of WCs which will add an additional cubicle and the conversion of a store to a bar.
New signage at Eastgate in Peebles
The Trust supported a proposal for the installation of non-illuminated lettering above the theatre's main entrance.
Summer bandstand structure outside Chichester Festival Theatre
The Trust supported proposals for a previous temporary permission for a marquee structure outside Chichester Festival Theatre between April and September each year to be extended permanently.
Demolition of structures at King's in Kirkcaldy
The Trust supported Conservation Area Consent for the demolition of two buildings within the ownership of King's Theatre Trust, one of which is in poor condition and the other enables access for restoration of the main theatre building.
Replacement signage at Lyceum Theatre Oldham
The Trust supported the replacement of signage and display of temporary banners to promote shows at Lyceum Theatre Oldham, with existing signage lacking prominence and having become damaged over time.
Emergency exit works at Brixton Academy
The Trust supported planning permission and listed building consent at Brixton Academy for a temporary means of escape whilst an existing means is repaired.
Removal of dry rot at Brighton Hippodrome
The Trust conditionally supported listed building consent for removal of areas of dry rot at Brighton Hippodrome which is necessary for protection and conservation of the building.
Alterations for public access at King's Theatre in Kirkcaldy
The Trust supported proposals for cleaning and minor alterations within the foyer of King's in Kirkcaldy, on our Theatres at Risk register, to reveal areas of original fabric and enable some public access to view the wider restoration project.
New poster frames at Axminster Guildhall
The Trust supported advertisement consent for the installation of six poster frames to the front of Axminster Guildhall.
Proposed multi-use venue including theatre in St Helens
The Trust has supported the change of use of a large retail unit in St Helens which would enable it to be used for a range of uses including theatre, live music and cinema.
PV panels and heat pumps for Dartford's Orchard Theatre
The Trust supported environmental sustainability proposals for the Orchard in Dartford, which will see the installation of PV panels to the theatre's roof and air source heat pumps.
Alterations and extension at Theatrebarn
The Trust supported internal alterations and an extension of the Grade II* listed Theatrebarn in Bretforton which will enable wheelchair access into the auditorium through installation of a platform lift and increased provision of WCs.