Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Trust objects to loss of Dover's Roundhouse Theatre
The Trust has objected to an application for alterations at Dover's Discovery Centre which will see the Roundhouse Theatre converted to Council office space leaving the town without a theatre, urging a replacement to be found if the scheme progresses.
Submission of details for works to organs at Walthamstow Granada
The Trust provided further recommendations with regards to actions needed to safeguard future reinstatement of the Granada's organ following the current restoration project at the venue.
Relocation of gas pipe at King's Lynn Corn Exchange
The Trust raised no objection to minor external alterations for relocation of a gas pipe to the rear of the venue on a part of the building which is a modern extension.
Rear extension to reinstate live performance at Palace Cinema, Devizes
The Trust has welcomed proposals for an upwards extension to the rear of the Palace in Devizes to provide a dressing room, rehearsal space and back of house WCs, although urged the addition of lift access to the upper level.
Air handling units at Riverside Studios
The Trust supported the granting of retrospective planning permission for the installation of two air handling units to serve Riverside Studio's main theatre space, Studio 2.
Replacement roof covering at Hunstanton's Princess Theatre
The Trust supported the replacement of the Princess Theatre's roof with associated works to its eaves and guttering.
Alteration to shopfront at West End's Coliseum
The Trust supported alteration to the shopfront at the Coliseum which will reinstate a recessed public entrance.
Extension for Old Vic
The Trust supported extension utilising the neighbouring site for an all-day bar/restaurant, reading room, rehearsal and function space along with refurbishments to back of house areas.
Temporary installations at National Theatre for Spring/Summer 2022
The Trust supported temporary planning permission and listed building consent for the siting of food kiosks and bars around the National Theatre, and an external performance space for five weeks during July and August.
Addition of stage machinery at Tyne Theatre & Opera House
The Trust supported an application for listed building consent for insertion of salvaged overstage machinery from Theatre Royal Bath, reinstating historic features lost in the theatre's fire of 1985.
Additional Balcony bar and WC alterations at Apollo Shaftesbury Avenue
The Trust supported listed building consent for the re-arrangement of WCs which will add an additional cubicle and the conversion of a store to a bar.
New signage at Eastgate in Peebles
The Trust supported a proposal for the installation of non-illuminated lettering above the theatre's main entrance.