Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Extension to bring library into The Brindley in Runcorn
The Trust welcomed proposals for a significant extension of The Brindley to incorporate the town's library as well as enlarged bar/restaurant and front of house utilising a Towns Fund award.
Residential conversion adjacent to Burnley Empire
The Trust raised no objection to conversion of the upper level of a commercial unit to residential use but urged care with acoustic treatment to ensure living conditions of future occupants would not be harmed by future noise from the Empire.
Trust objects to residential scheme for Castleford Picturehouse
The Trust objected to proposals for conversion of the Picturehouse to residential use with ground floor commercial units due to harm to the building's significance as a non-designated heritage asset.
Internal and external alterations at Golders Green Hippodrome
The Trust welcomed plans for various internal and external works to repair and refurbish the building, reverse some BBC-era alterations, provide larger foyer space and reinstate a stage to help facilitate live shows in line with a planning condition.
Potential new theatre at former Broadwalk Shopping Centre, Bristol
The Trust made no comment on outline plans for redevelopment of the Broadwalk Shopping Centre in Knowle, Bristol but urged future engagement on an indicative new theatre space within the new development.
Replacement signage outside Joseph Rowntree Theatre
The Trust supported plans for digital screens to replace posters on a sign to the front of Joseph Rowntree Theatre in York.
New and replacement signage at Stanley Arts
The Trust supported replacement of Stanley Art's signage to reflect its re-branding from Stanley Hall along with installation of a new vertical banner and digital display board.
New permission for demolition of the Empire Theatre in Loftus
The Trust raised no objection to fresh outline permission for demolition and residential redevelopment of Loftus's former Empire Theatre, a building of little architectural or theatrical merit which has seen prolonged vacancy and deterioration.
Replacement water tank for the West End's Lyceum
The Trust conditionally supported planning permission and listed building consent for replacement of the theatre's water tank, as the current one lacks sufficient capacity to meet the theatre's needs.
Extension of temporary permission at Southbank Centre for sculptures
The Trust supported the extension of temporary permission for some artworks until the end of October 2022.
Temporary permission at Southbank Centre for Winter 2022
The Trust supported temporary permission for installations and signage at and around Southbank Centre for their regular Winter 2022 event along with the London Literature Festival at the end of October.
Pub conversion to give additional facilities to Pendle Hippodrome
The Trust welcomed a proposal by the Pendle Hippodrome to integrate a vacant neighbouring pub into the theatre with minor extensions which will provide accessibility throughout the venue and additional facilities.