Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
If you need planning advice we can help.
Replacement external lighting at Shankin Theatre
The Trust supported advertisement consent for replacement LED lighting to illuminate the Shanklin Theatre's front elevation.
Replacement windows at Kirkcaldy's Adam Smith Theatre
The Trust objected to listed building consent for replacement of windows because insufficient evidence had been provided to show that repairs and refurbishment wasn't feasible.
Extension for Hertford Little Theatre
The Trust supported an extension to Little Theatre which will provide additional foyer space, a better building layout, improved back of house facilities and the theatre to become accessible.
Updated plans for additional WCs at Shanklin Theatre
The Trust again supported listed building consent for the integration of redundant external WCs into the theatre, with updated plans having been submitted.
Replacement poster boards at Darlington Hippodrome
The Hippodrome sought listed building consent for the replacement of existing poster boards to the front elevation with replacement digital LED screens.
New studio theatre and workshop for Corn Exchange Newbury
The Trust supported change of use of a former restaurant which will provide a new studio theatre and Learning Centre for Corn Exchange Newbury.
Further objection to Dover Roundhouse application
Kent County Council submitted a report of justification for plans to convert the Roundhouse to office space but the Trust maintained objection due to omissions and lack of information.
Raised balcony fronts at London's Palladium
Listed building consent was submitted to slightly raise the heights of Royal and Upper Circle balcony fronts which will align to current regulations.
Additional logo to the side of Clevedon's Curzon
Listed building consent for the addition of signage to the side of the Curzon was supported because it will improve visibility of the venue.
External alterations at Theatr Brycheiniog
The Trust supported planning permission for the addition of signage, outdoor seating, an external ice cream kiosk and new entrance doors as well as some internal front of house changes at Brecon's Theatr Brycheiniog.
Renewal of permission for temporary exit at Brixton Academy
Due to an existing time-limited consent lapsing due to unavailability of a contractor, fresh permission was sought for a temporary emergency exit whilst works are carried out on an existing one.