Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Support for temporary marquee theatre in Derby
The Trust supported temporary permission for ice rink and theatre use within Derby's Market Place outside the vacant Assembly Rooms for a maximum 46 day period in each 12 months.
Indicative scheme for theatre use at Newton Abbot's Alexandra
The Trust supported plans put forward by a community group in Newton Abbot for alterations and extension of the Alexandra, currently in cinema use, for a return to theatre along with community and front of house space.
Retrospective retention of dressing rooms at Tonyrefail's Savoy
The Trust supported retrospective planning permission and listed building consent for retention of a dressing room block behind the Savoy along with other minor works.
Major refurbishment of Petersfield Festival Hall
The Trust supported plans for overcladding of the Festival Hall for greater environmental efficiency, extensions and refurbishments to enhance the venue's provision and facilities including better accessibility.
Minor extension and alteration at Cromer's Pavilion Theatre
The Trust supported planning permission and listed building consent for minor extension and internal alteration for additional WCs and a refurbished bar, but suggested some design refinement.
New signage as part of Petersfield Festival Hall plans
The Trust supported new signage which corresponds with a wider planning application for alterations and refurbishments at the venue.
Support of replacement seat planning condition at Shaftesbury Theatre
The Trust supported the discharge of a planning condition for replacement seating at the Shaftesbury Theatre in London's West End following submission of samples and historic recording.
Digital screens at Worthing Pavilion
The Trust supported listed building consent and advertisement consent for the replacement of three posters with digital screens at the Pavilion Theatre in Worthing.
New and replacement signage at Brighton Dome
The Trust supported listed building consent and advertisement consent for signage at the Brighton Dome complex.
Restaurant alterations at the National Theatre
The Trust supported planning permission and listed building consent for alterations to the second floor restaurant at the National Theatre.
Signage at Matlock Bath's Grand Pavilion
The Trust supported advertisement consent for two painted signs at the cafe at the Grand Pavilion, profits from which support the operation and restoration of the venue.
Winter event outside Bournemouth's Pavilion
The Trust supported temporary planning permission for an annual two month period for a 'ski village' featuring seating domes, bar and catering outside Bournemouth's Pavilion Theatre.