Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Duct and bin store at Finborough Arms pub
Planning permission was supported for the installation of an extraction duct and bin store to serve the Finborough Arms pub, which is preparing to re-open after a long period of closure. This will benefit Finborough Theatre which occupies the first floor.
New signage at Finborough Arms pub
Whilst no objection was made to the principle of new signage, revision was urged to include reference to the Finborough Theatre which is on the pub's first floor.
Replacement air handling at Bristol Hippodrome
Planning permission and listed building consents for removal of redundant equipment and replacement with new units was supported.
Temporary theatre for Oldham
Temporary planning permission was supported for installation of a theatre between April and July 2024 in the car park of Oldham Civic Centre.
Extension at Brighton Little Theatre
Planning permission for a small extension providing additional WCs, a dressing room and extra floorspace within the theatre's bar was supported.
Internal and external alterations for lifts at Tivoli Theatre
Listed building consent for the installation of an internal platform lift giving improved accessibility into the stalls, a rear goods platform lift and new high-level external signage was supported at Aberdeen's Tivoli Theatre.
New and replacement signage at Bingley Little Theatre/Arts Centre
New signage representing new Bingley Arts Centre and 'The Theatre Upstairs' branding was supported.
New signage at Aberdeen's Tivoli Theatre
Advertisement consent for high-level 'Tivoli' lettering to the theatre's front elevation was supported. This is a reinstatement of lettering in place previously.
Platform lift for get-ins at Aberdeen's Tivoli Theatre
Planning permission for the installation of a rear service platform lift was supported.
Solar panels for Young Vic's roof
Planning permission for the installation of PV panels to the Young Vic's roof was supported.
Interior door works at Northampton's Royal & Derngate
Listed building consent for alteration of original doors and replacement of later doors to meet fire safety requirements was supported.
New and replacement lighting and sound at Clevedon's Curzon
Listed building consent for the replacement and upgrading of lighting and sound to support live shows, as well as an additional projector to facilitate dual projection BFI films, was supported.