Planning Responses

We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.

If you need planning advice we can help.

  • Permanent change of use to theatre for Slung Low in Leeds

    Planning permission was supported for permanent change of use to a theatre and community facility for Slung Low. They were given a one-year temporary permission in 2022 for highways impacts to be monitored.

  • Temporary relocation of kiosks at Edinburgh's King's Theatre

    Listed building consent for re-location of significant kiosks to the theatre's Tudor bar was supported whilst building works are undertaken, in order to protect them.

  • New link building at Lowestoft's Marina Theatre

    Planning permission was supported for a three-storey link building between the original theatre and its cafe, community room and offices in a neighbouring modern block. This also enables new lift access and additional WCs.

  • Front of house extension at Cliffs Pavilion

    An extension providing better access and circulation, expanded bar/cafe and front of house provision at Cliffs Pavilion was welcomed.

  • Roof works at Leeds Grand

    Listed building consent for re-roofing of parts of the rear of Leeds Grand Theatre and Opera House was supported.

  • Variation of condition at Thorington Theatre

    The Trust supported variation of a planning condition to enable the theatre to operate over an increased number of days annually, as well as a restriction on months to be removed.

  • Container for storage at Hayling Island's Station Theatre

    Planning permission for a container sited to the rear of the theatre for the storage of props and sets was supported.

  • Repair works at Blackpool Grand

    Listed building consent for repairs and repointing at Blackpool Grand was supported.

  • Alterations at Pickering's Kirk Theatre

    Plans for a new side entrance into a lift providing access to a new small performance/rehearsal space within what was the theatre's first floor storage area was supported.

  • Extension for The Yard

    Planning permission for partial demolition and extension of The Yard in London's Olympic Legacy area was supported. It will provide a larger theatre area with new back of house provision, upper-level accessibility, larger bar and an additional studio.

  • Hotel development adjacent to Liverpool Playhouse

    No objection was raised to the principle of conversion of a building adjacent to the Playhouse for a hotel, but a condition requiring submission of a construction management plan was urged to avoid works impacting performances.

  • Proposed arts centre for Winchcombe

    Change of use of a former methodist church in Winchcombe to a community arts centre for the Winchcombe Arts and Community Hub was supported.