Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Roof repairs at Gorleston Pavilion
Repairs and urgent works to the roof of Gorleston Pavilion including replacement materials were supported.
Roof repairs at King George's Hall
Planning permission and listed building consent for roof repairs and replacement at King George's Hall in Blackburn was supported.
Cleaning of Dominion Theatre's stonework
Listed building consent for the cleaning of the Dominion in London's West End was supported.
Replacement wifi at Duke of York's Theatre
Listed building consent for new and replacement wifi points at Duke of York's Theatre in London's West End was supported.
Further residential application below Arbroath's Abbey Theatre
Following recent comments, a second retrospective application for residential use underneath the Abbey Theatre was submitted covering two different flats. Without an acoustic statement we also indicated objection would be maintained.
New signage and screens at Hertford Theatre
The addition of digital screens and new lettering associated with the theatre's new branding was supported. Hertford Theatre is currently undergoing a programme of development.
Refurbishment at Walter Roy Theatre
Planning permission was supported for the theatre element of a wider development at Norwich's Hewett Academy, which includes Walter Roy Theatre.
External alterations at Shoestring Theatre
Replacement of the theatre's scene dock doors and main entrance doors along with new signage was supported.
New signage for Shoestring Theatre
Advertisement consent for new signage at the venue was supported.
Theatre and hotel scheme for former Saville Theatre
The principle of development re-providing a theatre within the building for Cirque du Soleil has been supported, but concerns have been raised over the balance of uses, the extent of upwards extension and the long-term safeguarding of the theatre space.
Roof replacement at Dartford's Orchard Theatre
Planning permission for replacement roof materials due to the presence of RAAC, along with related works and installation of solar panels was supported. The venue has been closed since September 2023, and is operating from a temporary venue nearby.
Residential use under Abbey Theatre Club in Arbroath
Following a previous application being withdrawn, we were consulted on a retrospective application for the works which took place without permission. Without an acoustic statement we indicated objection would be maintained.