Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Redecoration of Fortune Theatre's facade
Listed building consent for repainting of the theatre's front and side elevations, including a darker shade of grey to cast lead areas and window surrounds, was supported.
Repair of facades at London's Lyceum Theatre
Listed building consent for repairs and maintenance at the Lyceum was supported.
Local Development Order supporting filming at Newark's Palace Theatre
A Local Development Order enabling filming at the Palace Theatre without need for future planning permissions, subject to conditions, was supported.
Roof repairs at London's Coliseum Theatre
Listed building consent for repair and maintenance of parts of the theatre's roof was supported.
Alterations at Lichfield Garrick Theatre
Planning permission for external alterations to improve accessibility and prominence of the theatre's Castle Dyke entrance was supported, along with internal alterations to improve foyer layout and increase WCs.
Extension for studio theatre at Reading's Hexagon
Planning permission for an extension to the Hexagon to provide a studio theatre along with community and rehearsal spaces was supported.
Replacement boiler and flue at Park & Dare Theatre
Planning permission and listed building consent for installation of a new flue to the building's rear elevation and replacement boiler was supported.
Stone cleaning and repairs at Glasgow's King's Theatre
Planning permission and listed building consent was supported for cleaning and works to the building's main facades and roof.
Internal alterations at Chatham's Brook Theatre
Listed building consent was supported for various alterations including enhanced accessibility, WCs and technical equipment.
Refurbishment and alteration at Chatham's Brook Theatre
Planning permission was supported for external repairs and alterations.
Luton car park redevelopment to include performance venue
The principle of a new performance venue has been supported, but at this stage redevelopment plans including new residential, retail and commercial uses are only indicative for the venue with detailed plans to follow.
Alterations to Dundee Rep entrance
Planning permission and listed building consent for replacement entry doors and digital screens in place of existing poster boards was supported.