Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Demolition of former Oldham Grand
An application for demolition under permitted development rights has been submitted for the former Grand Theatre in Oldham. Whilst demolition cannot be prevented, the Trust urged historic recording to be carried out and for other options to be considered.
New entry and small extension at Rich Mix
A new public entry with small extension to the foyer and landscaping works to the rear of Rich Mix in London's East End was supported.
Removal of conditions at Rich Mix
The Trust supported removal of planning conditions limiting activities within the rear service yard at Rich Mix, which will facilitate a new public entry covered by a separate application.
New signage at Bradford's Mind the Gap Studios
Listed building consent for the addition of four banner signs and an illuminated fascia sign at Mind the Gap Studios was supported. The venue is within a Grade II* listed former silk mill.
New signage at Tetbury Goods Shed Arts Centre
The Trust supported advertisement consent for the addition of a new non-illuminated sign with the venue's branding.
Revised plans for Granville Theatre
The Trust has supported revisions to proposed plans at the Granville Theatre in Ramsgate, which include relocated WCs compared to original proposals and the addition of a platform lift.
Air conditioning units for Witham Public Hall
The Trust conditionally supported planning permission for new air conditioning units to be installed to the side of the building.
Renewal of permission at Gielgud Theatre
The Trust again supported planning permission and listed building consent for maintenance and repairs at the Gielgud in London's West End along with installation of new lighting. A previous permission had lapsed.
Temporary scaffold structure at London's Coliseum
The Trust raised no objection to installation of a temporary scaffold structure to the front of the Coliseum to hold a large banner sign for the forthcoming run of We Will Rock You.
Strengthening and waterproofing works at Ambassadors Theatre
The Trust supported planning permission and listed building consent for works at the theatre to strengthen corroded beams, install waterproofing measures and remove a redundant boiler.
Further comments on Brighton Hippodrome scheme following amendments
The Trust has submitted further detailed comments on proposals for Brighton Hippodrome after amended plans and extra documents were submitted. Whilst welcoming some changes which are an improvement on the initial scheme, significant concerns remain.
Installation of brackets at Harold Pinter Theatre
The Trust raised no objections to the installation of two brackets to the theatre's front elevation as part of a scheme across the wider area to add festive decorations.