Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Residential development next to Greenwich's Borough Hall
The Trust has indicated it will object to a proposed residential conversion adjoining Borough Hall, on our Theatres at Risk register, unless parts of the scheme are re-designed and an acoustic report covering potential noise from Borough Hall is provided.
Temporary show signage hoardings around Gielgud Theatre
Advertisement consent for a temporary period was supported to enable large banners promoting shows attached to scaffolding whilst repair and maintenance works are undertaken at Gielgud Theatre.
Alterations within Hammersmith Apollo's stage door area
The Trust supported alterations within the stage door including removal or partitions which will create more space and improve accessibility particularly where there are large casts.
Support for Leeds Grand WC plans after revisions
The Trust was able to support listed building consent for alterations to WCs at balcony and upper balcony level, which added justification for loss of historic cisterns and retained one for display.
Additional WCs and new handrail at the Novello Theatre
The Trust supported listed building consent for conversion of a store room to a new WC block and insertion of handrails on the foyer stairs to improve safety.
Alteration to marble step at West End's Ambassadors Theatre
The Trust supported listed building consent to remove a section of marble step and replace it with a ramped section as it enables wheelchair access into the theatre.
Basement damp-proofing works at Cheltenham's Parabola Arts Centre
The Trust supported listed building consent to carry out damp proofing within the building's basement due to damage to fabric and risk of wider deterioration in future if not addressed.
New signage at the Old Vic
Listed building consent for signage at the theatre's new annex as well as banners along part of the existing building were supported.
Objection to conversion of Northampton's Open Stage
The Trust objected to plans to convert Open Stage Performing Arts in Northampton to residential use. No evidence had been provided to justify its loss, or for harm and loss to the building which dates from the late nineteenth century.
Change of use of Vauxhall railway arches to theatre use
The Trust supported change of use of two railway arches in Vauxhall, London Borough of Lambeth for immersive theatre use.
Rear extension at Coventry's Albany Theatre
The Trust supported plans by the Albany to demolish its single-storey back of house area and replace it with a four storey building with additional studios, dressing rooms and a scene dock.
Replacement of restaurant marquee at Woodbridge's Riverside Theatre
The Trust has conditionally supported a permanent structure to replace a current marquee used as part of the Riverside's popular bar and restaurant.