Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
If you need planning advice we can help.
Support for moving images on Dominion's screen
An application to alter an existing advertisement consent so that moving images and short video clips would be played was supported by the Trust.
New theatre for Oldham
Planning permission for a new theatre in Oldham has been supported. The town is currently without professional provision following the recent closure of the Coliseum.
Replacement crowd barriers at Brixton Academy
Listed building consent was supported for replacement crowd barriers within the auditorium of Brixton Academy, which will be operationally easier for staff to manage.
Advertisement consent at Noel Coward Theatre
Advertisement consent for temporary signage for Ocean At The End Of The Lane at Noel Coward Theatre was supported.
New service lift at Theatre Royal Drury Lane
With Theatre Royal having sold its Garden Restaurant it has WCs which are redundant and a requirement for new service access into the theatre, therefore the WCs will be removed and a service platform lift installed in their place.
Revisions to Twentieth Century Theatre proposals
Following re-submission of applications for planning permission and listed building consent with amended plans reducing harm to historic fabric, we have now fully supported the scheme which will see the building returned to performance use.
Temporary marquee at Theatr Clwyd
A temporary 1000-capacity marquee with supporting structures to enable Theatr Clwyd to host a 2023 pantomime whilst their major development project takes place were supported.
Temporary show signage at Noel Coward Theatre
Temporary listed building consent for signage associated with a forthcoming run of Ocean At The End Of The Lane was supported.
Additional facade works at Manchester Opera House
Following a recent listed building consent for facade repairs, a further application has been submitted as investigations have found that some areas of rendering require replacement.
Permanent change of use to theatre for Slung Low in Leeds
Planning permission was supported for permanent change of use to a theatre and community facility for Slung Low. They were given a one-year temporary permission in 2022 for highways impacts to be monitored.
Temporary relocation of kiosks at Edinburgh's King's Theatre
Listed building consent for re-location of significant kiosks to the theatre's Tudor bar was supported whilst building works are undertaken, in order to protect them.
New link building at Lowestoft's Marina Theatre
Planning permission was supported for a three-storey link building between the original theatre and its cafe, community room and offices in a neighbouring modern block. This also enables new lift access and additional WCs.