Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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New flue for Shakespeare's Globe
A new extraction flue to support a backup generator for water sprinklers and emergency lift was supported.
Advertisement consent at Ross-on-Wye's Phoenix Theatre
No objection was raised to the replacement of Phoenix Theatre's poster board to the front of its car park for a digital screen.
Removal of brickwork within London Palladium's basement
Whilst no objection was raised in principle, further explanation and justification was requested due to the historic significance of the brickwork as part of wine vaults on the site prior to construction of the current theatre.
New lighting bar at Newark's Palace Theatre
Listed building consent for insertion of a new truss to support additional lighting was supported.
Remodelled entrance at Chester Little Theatre
Planning permission for a new entry and re-cladding was supported.
Roof replacement at Nuneaton's Ritz
The replacement of the roof at the former Ritz due to water ingress was supported.
Advertisement consent for replacement signage at Gielgud
Advertisement consent for replacement signage at the Gielgud was supported.
Replacement signage at West End's Gielgud Theatre
Listed building consent for replacement of signage to the entry canopy at the Gielgud was supported.
Revised plans for alterations and residential flat at Novello Theatre
The Trust raised no objection to revised proposals at the Novello Theatre subject to existing planning conditions managing noise and vibrations being maintained.
Alterations within paint room at Leeds Grand
Theatres Trust has requested submission of further information and justification for alterations within a paint room at Leeds Grand. Whilst over-flooring is supported in principle, removals of historic equipment require further assessment of harm.
Alterations within the scene dock at Leeds Grand
Proposals for replacement flooring to provide the loading required of modern sets has been supported in principle, but support cannot currently be provided without demonstration the existing timber flooring cannot be retained.
New canopy and entry works at London's Palladium
Planning permission and listed building consent for works to the entry of a restaurant unit within the theatre but operated independently was supported.