Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Wireless access points at Manchester's Palace Theatre
Listed building consent for the installation of new and replacement wireless access points was supported.
External and foyer alterations at Park and Dare Theatre
Planning permission and listed building consent at Treorchy's Park and Dare Theatre was supported. It will see refurbishment and alteration of its foyer providing new access into its studio, a new central doorway, canopy, and improved bin store.
Storage shed for Worksop's Acorn Community Theatre
A shed to the rear of the theatre for the store of props was supported.
Temporary advertisement consent at The Vaults Theatre
Advertisement consent for signage associated with The Vaults' forthcoming Christmas programme was supported.
'Cultural Quarter' signage for sites including Harborough Theatre
Advertisement consent was supported for the addition of signage to Harborough Theatre promoting the 'Cultural Quarter' and key buildings within Market Harborough.
Variation of planning condition for scheme including Carlton
Revisions to proposals for a redevelopment scheme which includes the former Carlton/Empire Cinema on London's Haymarket were supported.
Extension for meeting room at Soham's Viva Theatre
Proposals for a single storey extension to add a meeting room to the theatre were supported.
Immersive theatre proposed at former Gaumont Camden Town
Plans to utilise the vacant stalls area of the former Gaumont Camden Town for immersive theatre and events following have been supported. The building's bingo operator recently vacated; the foyer and Circle levels remain in use by Odeon.
Extension to Todmorden Hippodrome
Planning permission for an extension at upper levels to provide two flexible rehearsal/meeting spaces was supported, along with ground floor alterations to for an enlarged foyer with additional WCs.
Small infill extension at Colchester's Mercury Theatre
The infill of a void at the second floor level of the theatre's recent extension to provide a flexible office/meeting/rehearsal space was supported.
Alterations within Menier Chocolate Factory building
No objection was raised in principle to alterations within the theatre as part of works to make the building attractive to potential occupants for vacant areas.
Telecoms equipment to roof of Shanklin Theatre
No objection was raised to the installation of additional/replacement telecoms equipment to the roof of the Shanklin Theatre on the Isle of Wight.