Stay up-to-date with key news about theatres and the issues that affect them across the UK, including theatres which are currently on our Theatres at Risk register.
Winter / Spring 2019 Theatres Magazine published
Winter / Spring TM 19 has been published, it focuses on theatres at different points on the journey from being at risk to thriving. Here's a peek at what's inside:
Seven theatres removed from Theatres at Risk Register 2019
Each year the Theatres at Risk Register is updated, removing theatres for a variety of reasons both positive and negative.
Theatres at Risk Register 2019 revealed with three new additions
This year, 31 theatres appear on this vitally important register with three new additions - Theatr Ardudwy, Tottenham Palace Theatre and The Intimate Theatre in Palmers Green.
Richard Baldwin and Paddy Dillon re-appointed to our Board
Theatres Trust is delighted that Richard Baldwin and Paddy Dillon have been re-appointed as Trustees, having completed their first successful terms on 31 December 2018.
Blog: Lack of ladies' loos
In response to The Stage's West End Toilets Survey, Tom Stickland takes a closer look at the issue and what can be done.
Theatres Trust 2018 highlights
2018 was a busy year at the Theatres Trust so we thought we’d share some of the highlights - and look ahead to the coming year.
June Whitfield
We were saddened by the news of the death of June Whitfield, a founder member of the Theatres Trust.
The Stage 100 2019 list
The list of most influential people in theatre this year was topped by an architect and includes a number of Theatres Trust’s associates.
Ambassador Beverley Knight supports Dudley Hippodrome campaign
Performer shares our concerns over the council's recent decision about the 'theatre at risk'
Friends group buys ‘Theatre at Risk’ Burnley Empire
Burnley Empire has been bought by Burnley Empire Limited, a company formed by the friends group Burnley Empire Theatre Trust.
Theatres Trust Christmas Appeal
Help us reach our target of £5,000 to support vital work protecting theatres for the current and future generations.
House of Lords Select Committee on Regenerating Seaside Towns
Theatres Trust has submitted written evidence to the committee highlighting the role we believe theatres can play in thriving seaside towns.