Conference 24 Sustainability Statement

Theatres Trust acknowledges that any event will have an environmental impact but there are significant benefits in coming together for an in-person event that cannot be replicated with an online event.

In line with our Environmental Principles, we have endeavoured to make Conference 24 as environmentally responsible as possible within the limitations of hosting a conference. 

Conference Production

  • The Conference 24 programme, signage and schedules will be shared in digital format to limit single use printing.
  • Delegates will receive a digital delegate bag, rather than a physical bag of leaflets / flyers
  • As much as possible, all Conference 24 contracts and planning documents have been digitised to reduce wastepaper.
  • We aim to use as little single-use materials as possible – for example any signage or pull-up banners will be generic for multiple uses or digital.
  • Delegate lanyards are essential for networking and ensuring all attendees have checked in, but they will be collected and reused at the end of the event. The name badges will also be reused/recycled.



  • The venue for Conference 24, The Lowry is fully committed to reducing the environmental impact of all areas of its organisation, with the ambition of becoming a leading example for the cultural sector.
  • The Lowry has recently achieved Theatre Green Book basic level, taking part in version 2 trials
  • 75% of all Lowry staff and volunteers are Carbon Literacy trained
  • The Lowry provides clearly labelled recycling facilities front-of-house, back-of-house and in dressing rooms.



  • We will work with the venue to ensure all food and drink is locally sourced as much as possible, including any alcohol.
  • In order to reduce our carbon footprint, we will provide a fully vegetarian menu throughout the day. Vegan options and other dietary requirements will also be catered for, upon request.
  • Guest numbers for catering will be calculated as accurately as possible to eliminate surplus food.
  • All drinks served or purchased will be in cans and glass bottles in all front-of-house areas. The Lowry uses reusable poly carb cups in their bars.
  • All attendees are strongly encouraged to bring their own reusable cup and / or water bottle to the event, as free refill stations will be available throughout the day.
  • We will work to eliminate single use plastics used in the catering of the event, for example, any disposable cutlery will be wooden.



  • All speakers and attendees are strongly encouraged to use public transport to attend the venue.

By Tram – Use the Eccles line and the MediaCityUK line. Visit Metrolink’s websiteor call them on 0161 205 2000.

By Bike – For information on cycle routes from Manchester to Salford Quays visit TfGM cycling district maps.

By Bus – Check bus routes and timetables with TfGM at comor call 0161 205 2000 before you travel.

By Train – For the latest train timetables, visit: TransPennine ExpressNorthern. If you are coming by TransPenine trains, we have a 20% discount code - contact us to be be sent it.

  • Any speakers who would need to fly to attend will join the event remotely.
  • In exceptional circumstances, if a speaker is required to fly, we will pay to offset the carbon for flights of speakers who travel by plane.

Read more about The Lowry’s sustainability strategy and The Lowry’s Green Rider and achievements so far