Conference 24: Making Theatres Thrive programme

People, Places and Purpose are at the heart of our theatres. This year’s Theatres Trust Conference looks at how they are enablers in Making Theatres Thrive.

10:00 Registration
Tea, coffee and pastries

11:00 Welcome and scene setting
Jon Morgan will welcome you all to our conference and Cllr Hannah Robinson-Smith (Lead for Culture at Salford City Council) will welcome you to Salford and Julia Fawcett OBE, Chief Executive of The Lowry our home for the day.

11:15 Plenary: Session 1  - Thriving Places
In order to thrive, theatres need to contribute to regional placemaking both within and without their buildings.  As local and regional stakeholders seek  to prioritise place and people, how can theatres connect their unique relationships with communities and audiences to those placemaking initiatives?

This session will include policy makers and those shaping the future cultural agenda for theatre and the arts more widely. Speakers to be announced.

Chair: Dave Moutrey, Trust Trust Chair and Director of Culture, Manchester City Council

11.55 Tea/coffee break

12:15 Breakout sessions: Choose one to attend on the day - no need to book 

Session 2: Panel - Thriving Together
This panel will explore the civic role of theatres with a focus on how theatres are building their engagement with agencies and communities locally as part of building a more resilient model in order to thrive collectively.

Confirmed speakers include:
Adam Knight, Blackpool Grand
Douglas Rintoul, New Wolsey Ipswich

Chair: Katie Town, Theatres Trust Vice-Chair and Executive Director, Theatre Royal Wakefield


Session 3: Catalyst session - Thriving Sustainably
A Catalyst Session will be a chance for delegates to gather less formally.  A session leader will, in each case, spark a wider conversation about a key topic which can be explored in-depth.  A way of sharing challenges, ideas, opportunities and best practice.

The session should leave you energised and full of ideas. The theme of this session is inspired by the second edition of the Theatre Green Book and how theatre can thrive sustainably. 

We are delighted to announce that our conversation catalyst will be the new Director of Theatre Green Book, Lilli Geissendorfer.

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Session 4: Capital Lightning Round - Design for Resilience
A dynamic and high-speed overview of some current theatre capital / building projects focusing on ‘design for resilience’.

This ever popular session will feature the following speakers:
Ian Chalk, Ian Chalk Architects (Cambridge Arts)
Colin Cobb, Fielden Clegg Bradley (Fareham Live)
Lee Craven, Bradford Live (Bradford Odeon)
Lucy Picardo, Haworth Tompkins (Reading Hexagon)
Fiona Wallace, Managing Director, New Vic Theatre

Chair: Jon Morgan, Director, Theatres Trust

14:45 Session 5: Panel - Thriving Purpose
This session will explore the expanded purposes of theatres and the physical changes that theatres are making to the fabric of their buildings in order to achieve this.  New approaches, new business models and new forms of content creation all contribute to this expanded purpose. 

Confirmed speakers include:
Kris Bryce, Pitlochry Theatre
Karen O’Neill, HOME Manchester

Chair: Liam Evans-Ford, Theatres Trust Trustee and Executive Director and CEO, Theatr Clwyd

15:30 Break 
Tea and coffee 

15:50 Breakout sessions - Choose one to attend on the day - no need to book 

Session 6: Panel - Surviving a capital build “I wish I knew then, what I know now”
This panel will discuss a number of projects where industry experts share the secrets of surviving a capital build - overcoming problems but also some key considerations when planning a capital project to avoid pitfalls. Thrive, not survive your capital build!

Confirmed speakers include:
Suzie Bridges, Suzie Bridges Architects
Simon Harper of Harper Tackley Consultants
Liz Sillett, CEO, Association of British Theatre Technicians

Chair: Anna Collins, Theatres Trust Trustee


Session 7: Catalyst session - Inclusive Welcomes

 A Catalyst Session will be a chance for delegates to gather less formally.   A session leader will, in each case, spark a wider conversation about a key topic which can be explored in-depth.  A way of sharing challenges, ideas, opportunities and best practice.

The theme of this session is inspired by the notion of the stories that our buildings tell us. When it comes to providing a welcome to the widest possible range of people - what stories can we tell about our buildings before our buildings tell the story for us.

We are delighted to announce that our conversation catalyst will be Michèle Taylor, the Director of Change from Ramps on the Moon. The session will close with a response from Andrew Miller MBE - UK Arts Access Champion - All In.

16:45 Session 8: Closing round-up panel - Making Theatres Thrive

Artistic Directors and other theatre leaders will share their vision for ensuring their theatres truly thrive.  As we close the conference, they will reflect on the themes of the day, the future challenges and opportunities they face and how we can bring people, place and purpose together to ensure our theatres not only survive but thrive.

Speakers include:
Selina Cartmell, Creative Director and Deputy Chief Executive , Royal Exchange Theatre
Jemima Levick, Artistic Director, Tron Theatre

Chair: Suba Das, Theatres Trust Trustee

17:25 Close - Jon Morgan

17:30 Post-conference reception

Book your place now for Conference 24: Making Theatres Thrive