Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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New external canopy for seating area at Chichester's Minerva Theatre
Planning permission was supported for the addition of a structure at the theatre's external terrace area to provide seating and tables for events and dining.
Additional temporary signage at Dominion Theatre
Listed building consent for a three year period for the addition of banner signage promoting the forthcoming 'The Devil Wears Prada' production at the Dominion in London's West End was supported.
Replacement sign at The Institute in Braintree
Advertisement consent was supported for installation of a replacement sign at The Institute, formerly Bocking Arts Theatre.
Various alterations at The Witham
Planning permission and listed building consent was supported for various works at The Witham in Barnard Castle, including a replacement accessible entry, installation of PV panels.
Demolition of Deal's Regent for replacement cinema and new homes
An objection was submitted to plans to redevelop the Regent in Deal, as the replacement building is of much smaller scale to existing without evidence supporting loss of cultural use. The previous scheme utilised the whole building for cinema.
New lighting and replacement shopfronts at Blackpool Grand
Listed building consent was supported for the installation of new lighting, repainting of shopfronts and new more sensitive timber fascia signs along the theatre's north elevation.
Replacement fire doors paint scheme at Theatre Royal Winchester
Listed building consent for bold redecoration of the theatre's southern elevation and replacement fire doors was supported.
Variation of conditions at Lowestoft development
No objection was raised to the variation of planning conditions at a development neighbouring the Marina Theatre, although engagement with the theatre to minimise disruption was urged.
Alterations to doors at King's Theatre Southsea
Listed building consent for alterations to four doors to provide greater acoustic insulation was supported.
Temporary storage cabins at Theatre Royal Winchester
Temporary planning permission for the siting of two storage containers to the rear of the theatre's fly tower was supported.
New signage at Whitefield Garrick Theatre
The installation of a new sign for the theatre was supported.
Roof works at Peterborough's Key Theatre
Planning permission was supported for installation of a permanent roof structure, replacing a temporary solution which has been in place since the end of 2023 due to the removal of RAAC panels.