Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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New storage building at Formby Little Theatre
Planning permission for the construction of a storage building to replace two metal containers was supported.
Signage at Palace Theatre in Swansea
Listed building consent was supported for the installation of external signage for the building's new use as a co-working and community space. The Palace was until recently on our Theatres at Risk register.
Alterations within basement bar at Glasgow's Pavilion Theatre
Listed building consent for the expansion of an existing opening to create a single larger bar space, and replacement of the existing non-original bar, was supported.
Digital screens at Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury
Advertisement consent for the installation of two digital screens to replace existing poster boards was supported.
Minor alterations to Theatr Clywd development
No objection was raised to minor alterations to bin stores, grilles and plant as development progresses at Theatr Clywd.
Objection to residential development next to Theatre Severn
Objection was submitted to redevelopment of a building next to Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury, particularly for a proposed apartment directly overlooking the theatre's get-in.
Temporary hoardings at the Palace in London's West End
Listed building consent for temporary hoardings decorated with show signage was supported whilst repair works are carried out at the theatre.
CCTV cameras at Apollo Victoria
Listed building consent for the installation of four external CCTV cameras was supported.
Objection to residential development adjacent to Hyde Festival Theatre
An objection has been submitted to plans for conversion of the ground floor of a building directly behind the Festival Theatre (and also next to the former Theatre Royal Hyde) due to its proximity and lack of acoustic assessment or details of mitigations.
Replacement escape stair at Watermill Theatre
Listed building consent for the replacement of a damaged timber escape staircase with a metal replacement was supported.
Extensions and alterations at Kilmarnock's Palace Theatre
Planning permission and listed building consent was supported for a front foyer extension, construction of a fly tower, back of house extension and general refurbishments and repairs.
Further expansion of Malvern Theatres
Planning permission was supported for extension of Malvern Theatres to add a 300-seat studio, additional rehearsal studios, revisions to back of house and an external amphitheatre.