Planning Responses

We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.

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  • Revisions to Manchester Palace works

    The Trust again supported planning permission and listed building consent for revisions to the Palace's upgrade of internal ventilation and replacement air handling units and enclosure to its roof.

  • Temporary external steps at Manchester's Palace Theatre

    Temporary listed building consent for external steps so contractors can reach the building's roof to carry out works was supported.

  • New digital screens at Canterbury's Marlowe Theatre

    The Trust supported advertisement consent for the replacement of two existing posters with digital screens.

  • Repairs and waterproofing at Ambassadors Theatre

    The Trust supported listed building consent, part retrospective, for strengthening works around the theatre's stalls bar and repair of its lantern roof following discovery of deficiencies during the theatre's current development project.

  • Extension and PV panels for Arden Theatre

    The Trust supported renewed planning permission for an extension at the Arden Theatre in Faversham, with addition of PV panels to the roof. A previous permission granted in 2019 for a similar scheme has since lapsed.

  • Redevelopment of former Beckenham Theatre Club

    The Trust raised no objection to demolition of the Beckenham Theatre Club for a residential redevelopment as we were satisfied there was no longer need for the theatre, which had been closed since 2019 due to its building being in poor condition.

  • Holiday lets proposed behind Blackpool Grand Theatre

    The Trust objected to a proposal for conversion of the upper levels of a shop to holiday apartments directly behind Blackpool's Grand, citing risk of noise complaints and inadequate living conditions for occupants.

  • Revision to London's Coliseum glazed entry lobby

    The Trust supported retrospective listed building consent for a slight variation compared to approved plans for the lobby necessary for its installation.

  • Alterations to the Stalls Bar at Fortune Theatre

    The Trust supported listed building consent for alterations and refurbishments to the Stalls Bar at the Fortune in London's West End, to make it work more efficiently and improve the experience of audiences.

  • Repairs and alterations to canopy at Gielgud Theatre

    The Trust supported planning permission and listed building consent at the Gielgud in London's West End to repair its front canopy due to areas of corrosion.

  • Accessibility works at Aberdeen Arts Centre & Children's Theatre

    We supported removal of a raised platform area within the Children's Theatre for level access and flexibility and in principle the insertion of platform lifts at the Art's Centre, but urged submission of further details given the building's significance.

  • Altered fire door at Tunbridge Wells' Assembly Hall

    The Trust supported listed building consent for back of house alterations and expansion of an exit from single to double doors to improve the means of escape and enable full audience capacity.