Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Chiller units at Newhampton Arts Centre
The Trust supported planning permission for the installation of chiller units at two locations at Newhampton Arts Centre in Wolverhampton.
Advertisement consent at Clevedon's Curzon
The Trust supported advertisement consent for installation of a logo to the building's east elevation, corresponding with a listed building consent which was recently granted.
Signage upgrade at Sharnbrook Mill Theatre
The Trust supported the addition of lighting to the roadside signage of Sharnbrook Mill Theatre in Bedfordshire.
Summer 2023 at Southbank Centre
The Trust again supported the installation of bar and catering units, art installations, lighting and signage for the Southbank Centre's regular Summer series.
Accessibility alteration at Noel Coward Theatre
The Trust supported listed building consent for the adjustment and widening of a doorway to improve accessibility into a box and remove a hazard on the adjacent staircase.
Change of use of upper part of Brixton House
The Trust supported change of use of part of an upper floor at Brixton House Theatre from office to educational to facilitate use by a specialist music college focussing on rock, electronic and pop.
External seating for restaurant at Brighton Dome
The Trust supported planning permission and listed building consent for the installation of awnings, screens and planters for an outdoor seating area for a new restaurant at Brighton Dome.
Outline permission for redevelopment including Derby Theatre
The Trust raised no objection in principle to demolition of Derby Theatre on the condition that a suitable replacement facility was made available prior to loss.
Repairs at Trinity Theatre
The Trust supported listed building consent for repairs to wallplates and timber joists within the venue's roof.
Approval of condition application at Dudley Hippodrome
The Trust supported partial discharge of a planning condition with submission of a methodology for historic building recording, but highlighted there appears to have been a breach of planning due to extensive stripping of fabric having taken place.
Listed building consent for Worcester's Corn Exchange
The Trust supported the granting of listed building consent to facilitate alterations within Worcester's Corn Exchange associated with its link to the neighbouring Scala.
Planning permission for return to use of Worcester's Scala
The Trust has welcomed plans to bring the Scala back to use as a theatre and arts centre, also utilising the neighbouring Grade II listed Corn Exchange for front of house and other ancillary functions.