Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
If you need planning advice we can help.
New accessible entrance at Christchurch's Regent Centre
The Trust supported provision of a new accessible entrance to the Regent Centre with a lift created by infilling a recess to the side of the building along a passageway from the car park behind.
Revision to scheme next to Her Majesty's Theatre
The Trust supported a variation of planning condition at a development next to Her Majesty's Theatre in London's West End as the revision removed a previous feature of concern, and made no comment on other amendments which do not impact the theatre.
Backstage alterations at Fortune Theatre
The Trust supported listed building consent for removal and replacement of backstage technical equipment to meet modern standards, with elements of significance being retained in situ.
Extension of Ben Travers Theatre in Godalming
The Trust supported extension of the Ben Travers Theatre at Charterhouse School in Godalming, although it is open to the wider community, which will provide a studio theatre and enhanced foyer.
Rooftop plant at Leeds Playhouse
Planning permission for the installation of plant and ductwork for improved ventilation to upper levels at Leeds Playhouse was supported.
Air handling units at Kenilworth's Priory Theatre
The Trust supported planning permission, part-retrospective, for the installation of air handling units and an attenuator at Kenilworth's Priory Theatre.
Alterations at Shaftesbury Arts Centre
Planning permission and listed building consent for alterations to better integrate the venue's foyer and gallery, and works to its first floor, were supported.
Chiller units at Newhampton Arts Centre
The Trust supported planning permission for the installation of chiller units at two locations at Newhampton Arts Centre in Wolverhampton.
Advertisement consent at Clevedon's Curzon
The Trust supported advertisement consent for installation of a logo to the building's east elevation, corresponding with a listed building consent which was recently granted.
Signage upgrade at Sharnbrook Mill Theatre
The Trust supported the addition of lighting to the roadside signage of Sharnbrook Mill Theatre in Bedfordshire.
Summer 2023 at Southbank Centre
The Trust again supported the installation of bar and catering units, art installations, lighting and signage for the Southbank Centre's regular Summer series.
Accessibility alteration at Noel Coward Theatre
The Trust supported listed building consent for the adjustment and widening of a doorway to improve accessibility into a box and remove a hazard on the adjacent staircase.