Planning Responses

We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.

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  • New surround sound system at Leeds Grand

    Listed building consent for the installation of new wall-mounted brackets to support a surround-sound system was supported.

  • Replacement lighting bars at Leeds Grand

    The principle of replacement lighting bars within the auditorium at Leeds Grand was supported, but insufficient information had been provided to explain the alterations and any impact on significance this may have.

  • Replacement signage at West End's Criterion Theatre

    Advertisement consent for replacement signage associated with a forthcoming production at the Criterion was supported.

  • Strengthening works at Leeds Grand

    Listed building consent for strengthening above the Grand Emerald Hall and repair of plasterwork damaged by water ingress and movement was supported.

  • Alterations and change of use at Southport Garrick

    Theatres Trust raised no overall objection to the proposed use of the Garrick as a performance/events venue with redevelopment of front and back of house areas, but raised concerns and points to be addressed before the scheme could be supported.

  • New flue and condenser units at Edinburgh Playhouse

    Listed building consent for the addition of two condenser units above the theatre's scene dock with associated flue was supported.

  • New flue and louvred grille at Wolverhampton Grand

    In-principle support for planning permission and listed building consent at Wolverhampton Grand was offered, but it was requested that a Heritage Statement was submitted so the works and their impact could be better understood and recorded.

  • Discharge of condition at Dudley Hippodrome

    The Trust supported the discharge of a planning condition following submission of a historic building recording report, but criticised the Council for undermining it through the actions of excessive removal of fabric in breach of condition.

  • Replacement door and grille to rear of Palladium

    Planning permission for replacement of a modern door and grille at the Palladium in London's West End was supported.

  • Replacement of weatherproofing at Manchester Opera House

    Listed building consent was supported for removal of defective liquid plastic weather-proofing and replacement with lead flashing to better protect rendering which has been subject to water damage.

  • Extension to Alexandra Theatre in Bognor Regis

    Partial demolition and extension of the Regis Centre to provide enhanced front of house facilities, additional studio spaces and general refurbishments for the Alexandra Theatre was supported.

  • Back of house improvements at National Theatre

    Planning permission and listed building consent for alterations and refurbishments to the theatre’s back of house wig, make up and costume departments was supported, along with additional plant.