Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Alterations at Bury's Art Picture House
Listed building consent was sought for internal works to expand the staff area, and add a condenser to the rear elevation, at Art Picture House which is in use as a pub. We urged submission of additional information to clarify discrepancies.
Additional information for Blackfriars Arts Centre works
Following submission of further detail on proposed plans for conversion of an unused area of the venue's upper level, listed building consent was supported.
Air source heat pump to roof of Crewe's Lyceum
Planning permission for the installation of an air source heat pump unit, enclosure and services to replace a gas-fired boiler was supported.
Development adjacent to Hunstanton's Princess Theatre
No objection was raised to conversion of a hotel's nightclub to additional accommodation, as it was deemed sufficiently separated from the theatre so as not to generate impacts on the theatre's operation.
Digital screens at Glasgow's King's Theatre
Listed building consent for the replacement of two posterboards with digital screens was supported.
Revised submission for Gorleston Pavilion roof works
Listed building consent was supported for urgent roof works, with additional information submitted.
Alterations at Swansea's Albert Hall
Whilst the return to use of the vacant Albert Hall is welcomed, concern was raised at the level of alteration which will remove and conceal important features.
Digital screens at Theatre Royal Glasgow
The replacement of posterboards with digital screens was supported.
Revised stage works proposals at Theatre Royal Glasgow
Revised plans for works to the stage at Theatre Royal Glasgow were supported.
Replacement wall at Spennymoor Settlement Everyman Theatre
The Everyman Theatre's boundary wall had partially collapsed, therefore strengthening and replacement was supported.
Replacement windows at Weston-super-Mare's Playhouse Theatre
Planning permission was supported for the replacement of the Playhouse's windows to its front elevation, as they are beyond economic repair and will offer greater efficiency.
Division of under-used upper area at Blackfriars Arts Centre
The principle of sub-dividing an upper space at Blackfriars Arts Centre in Boston to create a small rehearsal area and office was supported, but further information to assess the significance of removed fabric was requested.