Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Conversion of cash room to security office at Hammersmith Apollo
Planning permission and listed building consent for internal and external alterations were supported, as this is a less sensitive part of the building.
Secondary glazing at Theatr Stiwt
Listed building consent for secondary glazing to the venue's windows to improve energy efficiency was supported.
Variation of condition at London Palladium
Consent was sought to vary a planning condition managing the content and duration of displays on a LED screen to the theatre's rear entrance.
Fresh listed building consent for Nuneaton's Ritz
Listed building consent for alterations to the Ritz to facilitate return to use as a community facility with cinema, theatre and live performance was supported.
Re-submission of plans for Nuneaton's former Ritz
Planning permission had been granted previously for the return to use of the Ritz as a multi-purpose community facility but this had lapsed, therefore a fresh application was submitted.
Temporary scaffolding at Lyceum Theatre
Listed building consent for the erection of scaffolding to facilitate repair works to the Lyceum in London's West End were supported.
Revised proposals for London Palladium's basement
Revised proposals for alterations to brick piers within the basement level at the London Palladium within an area operated by a third party have been submitted, but the application is missing a Heritage Statement.
Temporary signage at Noel Coward Theatre
Listed building consent for the temporary installation of a fascia sign for a forthcoming production of 'Slave Play'.
Replacement windows at Theatre Royal Glasgow
Planning permission and listed building consent for the replacement of a number of windows which have reached the end of their life was supported.
Roof replacement works at Theatre Royal Brighton
Listed building consent for the replacement of a flat-roof area above the theatre's offices and staff area was supported.
Alterations at Bury's Art Picture House
Listed building consent was sought for internal works to expand the staff area, and add a condenser to the rear elevation, at Art Picture House which is in use as a pub. We urged submission of additional information to clarify discrepancies.
Additional information for Blackfriars Arts Centre works
Following submission of further detail on proposed plans for conversion of an unused area of the venue's upper level, listed building consent was supported.