Theatres at Risk Assessment Criteria

Theatres Trust maintains a watching brief on theatres across the UK throughout the year and updates the Theatres at Risk Register annually.  This explains how we assess the theatres and what the scores mean.

Theatres are assessed based on three criteria – Community Value, Star Rating and Risk Factor. Buildings are scored between 0 and 3 in each category, which are added together to give a total score. A minimum total score of 4 is needed to be included on the register and must not score zero in any category.

Where the total score is the same, Community Value is given precedence, followed by Star Rating, then Risk Factor. If all criteria scores are equal, the buildings are listed alphabetically.

The theatres at the top of the register are not necessarily most at risk, but are those whose loss would be considered a greater tragedy because of their unique character and / or have real opportunity to be used for live performances.

Community Value establishes the local support and demand for a theatre, including the viability of the building as a performance venue.

3 points: clear community demand and viability for the building to be used as a theatre

2 points: possibility and demand for returning the building to performance use, which could include community performances / music

1 point: potential for the building to be brought into use as a community facility with no/minimal community performance

Star Rating judges the building’s architectural quality, workability as a theatre, cultural and social heritage, and geographical uniqueness.

3 points: a very fine theatre of the highest quality

2 points: an excellent example of its type

1 point: a live performance venue which is of some interest or quality and has specific cultural and social value

Risk Factor assesses the level of threat to the building. This could be risk of demolition, alteration to another use, local development adversely affecting the theatre, change of ownership, decay of the building or capital/revenue concerns.