Theatre Royal Hyde removed from Theatres at Risk Register
We have removed Theatre Royal Hyde from the Theatres at Risk Register as the building is no longer at risk.
Theatre Royal Hyde is a Grade II listed Edwardian theatre that has been on the Theatres at Risk Register since it began in 2006.
The theatre was closed as a cinema in 1992 and then threatened with demolition for a housing development but was saved by spot-listing in 2000.
The building was purchased by the Hyde Islamic Resource Centre in November 2016, who have been granted listed building consent to carry out various works including roof repairs and alterations to facilitate its use as a cultural centre.
The nature of these works would not prevent the building from being returned to performance use if the demand for this arose and with the building being in regular use as a cultural centre means that the threat of harm to the building has reduced to the extent where we can remove it from the Theatres at Risk Register.