Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
If you need planning advice we can help.
External alterations at Stanley Arts
The Trust supported planning permission and listed building consent for external alterations including new and replacement paving, seating, planting, signage and lighting.
CCTV camera for Ipswich's Gallery Studio Theatre
The Trust supported the installation of an additional external camera due to incidents of criminal damage and nearby anti-social behaviour.
Replacement signage at Leeds' Northern Ballet/Phoenix Dance Theatre
The Trust supported advertisement consent for replacement high-level signage to two elevations.
New space for Slung Low in Leeds
The Trust supported an application for change of use at a vacant former warehouse for a new venue including performance and community space for Leeds' Slung Low, currently operating from a nearby club called The Holbeck.
New signage at Sunderland Empire
Retrospective advertisement consent was supported for new vinyl signage to the Empire's stalls entrance and side fire exits.
Replacement pit lift and additional seating at Sunderland Empire
The Trust conditionally supported listed building consent for a new pit lift at the Empire which will provide additional seating for some events.
Signage for new Elite venue in Ashbourne
Following supporting change of use for return of the Elite in Ashbourne to cinema and theatre use in 2020, the Trust supported applications for signage for the venue.
Hotel conversion for former Theatre Royal Halifax
The Trust has raised no objections to alterations and change of use of the former Theatre Royal as a hotel, following previous applications over the last few years.
Facade repairs at Manchester Opera House
The Trust supported listed building consent for repairs and like-for-like replacements to damaged areas of the Opera House's front elevation.
Facade works and upgrades at Theatre Royal Brighton
The Trust supported planning permission and listed building consent for important structural repairs, refurbishment and new lighting to the theatre's colonnade along with internal electrical and ventilation improvements.
Complete demolition of remaining former New Victoria/Odeon, Preston
The Trust has objected to plans to demolish the remaining foyer block of the former New Victoria Theatre, later the Odeon, in Preston. The auditorium was demolished in May 2022 following a fire.
Trust objects to holiday lets underneath Stratford's Attic Theatre
The Trust has strongly objected to a proposal for change of use from theatre use, having previously been storage and workshop, to holiday accommodation due to the risk of noise transfer to and from the Attic Theatre and no evidence for loss of use.