Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Repair of Mercury statue above Sheffield's Lyceum Theatre
Listed building consent for the removal and repair of the statue of Mercury at the Lyceum Theatre was supported.
Works to stage at Liverpool's Philharmonic Hall
Listed building consent for works to improve accessibility and acoustic performance of the venue's stage was supported.
Approval of details at Theatre Royal Brighton
Submission by the applicant of information to partially discharge planning conditions relating to replacement terracotta and details of lighting was supported.
Festoon lighting between Ambassadors and St Martins Theatres
Planning permission and listed building consent for eyelets and the hanging of festoon lighting between the two theatres in London's West End to activate the space was supported.
New and replacement CCTV at Royal Shakespeare Theatre
Planning permission for replacement CCTV was supported.
New Performing Arts Centre for Shanklin Theatre
Planning permission for redevelopment of a nearby site to provide a Performing Arts Centre containing a 106-seat auditorium, studios and a museum/heritage centre has been supported.
New theatre for Sutton-in-Ashfield
Planning permission for refurbishment and other works to the theatre at Sutton Community Academy in Sutton-in-Ashfield to open it as a public venue named Cornerstone Theatre was supported.
Extension and development around Harlow Playhouse
Planning permission for the construction of a new building for Harlow Playhouse housing a flexible performance space, studios and creative spaces as part of plans for an Arts and Cultural Quarter were supported.
Internal alterations and new air handling at Stephen Joseph Theatre
Listed building consent for alterations within the theatre's smaller McCarthy auditorium for improved accessibility, WCs and new bar position along with roof works for improved insulation and replacement air handling was supported.
Hotel scheme for former Colchester's former Odeon
After objecting to previous schemes permission for redevelopment of the former Odeon for a hotel has been conditionally supported because its interesting Spanish-American facade will now be retained and restored.
External repair works at Apollo Victoria
Listed building consent for repairs and like-for-like replacement works, along with external cleaning, at the Apollo Victoria was supported.
New and replacement fire doors at Halifax's Victoria Theatre
Listed building consent for fire doors within the theatre's basement level was supported.