
Stay up-to-date with key news about theatres and the issues that affect them across the UK.

  • Alnwick Playhouse
    UK Theatres Small Grants Scheme awards five further theatres funding

    We pleased to announce that we are awarding £22,500 to five theatres across the UK from the Theatres Protection Fund.

    UK Theatres Small Grants Scheme awards five further theatres funding
  • TT logo high res
    Theatres Trust responds to the Civil Society Strategy

    Read our response to the UK Government's vision for better connected communities and its possible implications for theatres.

    Theatres Trust responds to the Civil Society Strategy
  • The front cover of Summer TM 2018, published by the Theatres Trust, and a membership benefit for Friends and Corporate Supporters.
    Theatres Magazine Summer 2018 published

    Theatres Trust Summer TM for Friends and Corporate Supporters has been published, leading on Conference 18: Adapt & Thrive stories, here's a peek at what's inside.

    Theatres Magazine Summer 2018 published
  • Factory perspective section (copyrgiht OMA)
    Theatres Trust welcomes the approval of The Factory, Manchester

    We welcome the approval of the new flexible space and are pleased that John McGrath, CEO and Artistic Director will be speaking at our annual conference.

    Theatres Trust welcomes the approval of The Factory, Manchester
  • TT logo high res
    Theatres Trust welcomes the revised National Planning Policy Framework

    Read our response to the revised NPPF including the adoption of Agent of Change as a development consideration.

    Theatres Trust welcomes the revised National Planning Policy Framework
  • Pavilion Theatre Blackpool Winter Gardens
    Blackpool Winter Gardens Pavilion secures Selladoor partnership

    We are delighted that the Pavilion Theatre at the Blackpool Winter Gardens, on our Theatres at Risk register, will be protected and revitalised thanks to a partnership with Selladoor and Blackpool Entertainment Company.

    Blackpool Winter Gardens Pavilion secures Selladoor partnership
  • SOLT UK Theatre Inspiring Future Theatre
    #InspiringFutureTheatre by the Theatres Trust

    In support of the UK Theatre and SOLT initiative Inspiring the Future of Theatre, some of our staff discuss why they work in theatre, and why they love working to protect theatres across the UK.

    #InspiringFutureTheatre by the Theatres Trust
  • Auditorium of Streatham Hill Theatre in bingo use.
    Theatre at Risk Streatham Hill Theatre listed as an ACV

    Lambeth Council have listed Theatre at Risk Streatham Hill Theatre as an Asset of Community Value, offering the theatre additional protection from development. This is great news for the campaign group working to repopen the historic venue.

    Theatre at Risk Streatham Hill Theatre listed as an ACV
  • TT logo high res
    Improving Accessibility scheme supported by Arts Disability Champion

    We're delighted that Andrew Miller, UK disability champion for the arts and culture sector has supported our Improving Accessibility funding route, year one of our Theatre Improvement Scheme, for driving the access agenda beyond reasonable adjustment.

    Improving Accessibility scheme supported by Arts Disability Champion
  • SOLT UK Theatre Inspiring Future Theatre
    Join the industry in inspiring future theatre

    Join us and support SOLT and UK Theatre's industry initiative, Inspiring the Future of Theatre, to help showcase the huge range of careers available in theatre, and encourage children and young people to consider jobs they might not have known existed.

    Join the industry in inspiring future theatre
  • Alexandra Burke
    Alexandra Burke, Theatres Trust Ambassador, on her favourite theatre

    Watch an interview with Alexandra Burke, Theatres Trust Ambassador, discussing her favourite theatre and why. As a Theatres Trust Ambassador Alexandra will work with us to ensure the UK’s theatres are protected and secured for future generations.

    Alexandra Burke, Theatres Trust Ambassador, on her favourite theatre
  • Michael Ball
    Michael Ball, Theatres Trust Ambassador, on the role of theatres

    Watch an interview with Theatres Trust Ambassador Michael Ball discussing the role of theatres and the value of live performance. Michael will work with us to ensure the UK’s theatres are protected and secured for future generations.

    Michael Ball, Theatres Trust Ambassador, on the role of theatres