
Stay up-to-date with key news about theatres and the issues that affect them across the UK.

  • Drawing of a face mask
    Opportunity to tender: Covid-19 support

    Theatres Trust is seeking a part-time freelancer as a Specialist Adviser to provide additional support to theatres at this critical time for the sector.

    Opportunity to tender: Covid-19 support
  • Bloomsbury Theatre
    Theatres and cultural facilities shortlisted for RIBA 2020 awards

    RIBA has announced its awards shortlists for 2020, which include several theatres and buildings for the performing arts.

    Theatres and cultural facilities shortlisted for RIBA 2020 awards
  • Coronavirus cells
    Blog: Protecting our theatre infrastructure

    Theatres Trust Director Jon Morgan outlines the work Theatres Trust has been doing to support and protect theatres in response to the pandemic.

    Blog: Protecting our theatre infrastructure
  • The word 'Coronavirus' displayed using pieces from the board game Scrabble.
    Extension of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

    The Chancellor has announced details changes including employer contributions to the furlough scheme from August.

    Extension of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
  • An image of a sign at The World theatre saying 'The World is temporarily closed'.
    Welsh Parliament inquiry into the impact of covid-19 on culture sector

    The Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee is undertaking an inquiry into the coronavirus outbreak in Wales.

    Welsh Parliament inquiry into the impact of covid-19 on culture sector
  • Coronavirus bar
    Entertainment and Events Working Group

    We are pleased that Theatres Trust Director Jon Morgan has been invited to join the working group looking at how venues might reopen.

    Entertainment and Events Working Group
  • Leith THeatr
    Theatres at Risk Capacity Building Programme Year 2 recipients

    We are delighted to announce details of the six theatres that will receive a total of £67,500 worth of support.

    Theatres at Risk Capacity Building Programme Year 2 recipients
  • Houses of Parliament
    Call for Evidence: Impact of Covid-19 on DCMS sectors

    DCMS Committee is seeking written evidence for its inquiry into the impact of the coronavirus. Deadline extended to Friday 19 June 2020.

    Call for Evidence: Impact of Covid-19 on DCMS sectors
  • HE logo
    Historic England Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund

    Grants available to help heritage organisations, voluntary groups and self-employed contractors.

    Historic England Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund
  • Creative Scotland
    Support from Creative Scotland

    Creative Scotland has launched funding programmes to support Scotland’s creative community in response to the coronavirus.

    Support from Creative Scotland
  • Arts Council of Wales
    Resilience Fund for Wales

    The Arts Council of Wales will distribute £7m to organisations and individuals impacted by the coronavirus.

    Resilience Fund for Wales
  • Auditorium photo of Blackpool Grand, looking up at the detailing on one of the boxes and the proscenium. The sumptuous blue curtain is down.
    The Matcham Directory published

    The Frank Matcham Society has published The Matcham Directory to commemorate 100 years since the death of the celebrated theatre architect and designer.

    The Matcham Directory published