
Stay up-to-date with key news about theatres and the issues that affect them across the UK.

  • Arts Council England logos
    Arts Council England Culture Recovery Fund grants programme

    With broad eligibility criteria, the majority of theatres in England will be able to apply for grants from the £500m scheme.

    Arts Council England Culture Recovery Fund grants programme
  • We will be back
    Government Covid-19 grants funding

    Theatres Trust welcomes the announcement of how the £880m grants element of the government's investment package will be distributed.

    Government Covid-19 grants funding
  • Covid19 keep distance
    No date for full reopening before November

    Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden has indicated that it will be November at the earliest for the government’s announcement of a date for reopening without social distancing.

    No date for full reopening before November
  • Changing Places
    Changing Places toilets in theatres in England

    The government has published its consultation response, making it compulsory to include a Changing Places toilet in new and significantly extended theatre buildings in England.

    Changing Places toilets in theatres in England
  • Dundee Repertory Theatre exterior
    Modern Playhouses

    Theatre historian Alistair Fair’s book on Britain’s new theatres from the 1950s to the 1980s is now available in paperback.

    Modern Playhouses
  • Stanley Halls Croydon main auditorium
    Six more theatres across London awarded small grants

    We have awarded six theatres a total of £30,000 from our London Small Theatres Grants Scheme.

    Six more theatres across London awarded small grants
  • 202008 MontgomerySheffield interior auditorium
    UK Small Grants awarded to five more theatres

    Five UK theatres receive over £23,000 from our small grants scheme to address urgent repairs and important building improvements.

    UK Small Grants awarded to five more theatres
  • Houses of Parliament
    DCMS Committee Inquiry report and recommendations

    Findings have been published on the impact of Covid-19, including the recommendation of a sector-specific deal for the performing arts.

    DCMS Committee Inquiry report and recommendations
  • Front cover image of the Summer 2020 TM for Friends and Supporters, showing Buxton Opera House lit up for the Light It In Red campaign.
    Summer 2020 Theatres Magazine

    The latest edition of Theatres Magazine for supporters has been published – our first in digital format.

    Summer 2020 Theatres Magazine
  • TheatreAuction
    Theatre Super Auction

    We are delighted to have been chosen as one of the partner charities for a celebrity charity auction.

    Theatre Super Auction
  • Theatres Trust logo
    Theatres Trust response to audiences back in theatres from 1 August

    We welcome the announcement that theatres can reopen from 1 August for live performances with a socially distanced audience, stage 4 of the phased return, but we need an announcement on stage 5 in the next few weeks.

    Theatres Trust response to audiences back in theatres from 1 August
  • The vast Art Deco auditorium or Peterborough  Broadway, in oranges, blacks and whites.
    Planning protection for theatres, concert halls and music venues

    Theatres Trust has been campaigning to strengthen protections for theatres in the planning system and is pleased that the government has responded so positively.

    Planning protection for theatres, concert halls and music venues