Theatres Trust’s Chair and two Trustees reappointed
We are delighted that the Rt Hon Lisa Nandy MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport has confirmed the reappointment of Theatres Trust’s Chair, Dave Moutrey and two Trustees for a further three-year term.
Dave Moutrey is Director of Culture for Manchester City Council where he is responsible for advising the council on policy and strategy for culture. He was appointed as Theatres Trust’s Chair in February 2022, and during his first three-year tenure he oversaw a refresh of the organisation’s vision and mission and led the recruitment of Theatres Trust’s new CEO, Joshua McTaggart.
Dave says “Dave says “I am delighted that the Secretary of State has approved my re-appointment for another term as Chair of the Theatres Trust alongside the renewal of two other excellent trustees who give their valuable time to our brilliant board. To have the Secretary of State’s confidence to do this work is a great honour. As a Department for Culture, Media and Sport Arm’s Length Body, Theatres Trust is the only organisation empowered to protect the UK’s theatre ecosystem, from small-scale community spaces through to large-scale commercial auditoriums. Given the numerous challenges currently facing the sector, our mission and purpose feel more vital than ever. I am especially looking forward to working with Joshua, our new CEO, as he and our team develop our next strategic plan to ensure theatres across the country continue to be fit for the future.”
Joshua McTaggart, Theatres Trust’s CEO says “It is fantastic news that Dave has been reappointed as Theatres Trust’s Chair, along with James and Stephanie reappointed as Trustees. Their collective knowledge and experience are invaluable to Theatres Trust, especially as we head towards our 50th anniversary in 2026. I am excited to work with them, and the rest of our Board, to expand Theatres Trust’s reach and impact, develop our impartial professional advice services, and grow the recently established Sector Skills Bank.“
The two Trustees reappointed are:
- James Dacre, Director and Producer, founder of Living Productions
- Stephanie Hall, barrister specialising in town and country planning at Kings Chambers
All appointments are for a three-year term, beginning on 21 February 2025. As an arms-length public body, appointments to the Theatres Trust’s Board are made by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.
Working with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, we will begin a campaign in the spring to appoint three new Trustees to bring our Board up to full membership.