Summer 24 edition of Theatres Magazine published

Friends, Patrons and Corporate Supporters have been sent a digital copy of Theatres Magazine via Mailchimp.

Here are some of the stories we feature in the latest issue:

  • Theatre Green Book second edition
  • Grants: Improving environmental sustainability
  • Small grants, big impact
  • Showcase: Bristol Beacon
  • The show must go on: The journey of Orchard West, Dartford
  • Conference 24: Making Theatres Thrive

If you haven’t received your copy, please check your spam filters, or email Laura Pollock, Communications Coordinator to receive a PDF copy.

Advertisers in the Summer 24 issue of Theatres Magazine

3LR | Audience Systems | Audio Light Systems | Charcoalblue | EM Acoustics | Ferco Seating | Harlequin | Plann | Plasa Events | Robe | Robolights | Sound Space Vision | Stage Electrics | Unusual Rigging

Theatres Magazine is a benefit for supporters of the Theatres Trust.

Become a supporter of the Theatres Trust to receive your copy.